Kemmers, Fleur

Fleur Kemmers is a Dutch numismatist and Professor for Archaeology of Coinage and Money in the Greco-Roman World at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Rambach, Hadrien J.

Hadrien J. Rambach (*1981) is a French antiquity expert, specialized in coins and gems. Next to his activities as advisor and dealer, he publishes art historical and numismatic articles.

Callataÿ, François de

François de Callataÿ is an extremely versatile Belgian numismatist. His research focuses on Hellenistic monetized economy. He is an awardee of the Francqui-prize (2007) and is Head of Department at the Royal Library of Belgium. Today, he teaches in Brussels and Paris. Hist publication list is almost inexhaustible.

Morrisson, Cécile

Cécile Morrisson is an historian and numismatist for Byzantine history of currency and economics. She was the head of the Paris coin cabinet, the first female president of the INC and is a permanent member of the Académie, as well as Chevalier of the French Ordre national du Mérite.

D’Ottone Rambach, Arianna

Arianna D’Ottone Rambach is Professor of Arabic language and literature at Sapienza University Rome, where she is also teaches Arabic paleography, codicology and numismatics.

Saryan, Leon A.

Leon Saryan is a U.S. American researcher, collector and autodidact, who, since his childhood, has been collecting objects of Armenian cultural heritage. Pursuing his career as a scientist, he became an expert in Armenian history and numismatics in his spare time.

Hirsch, Martin

Martin Hirsch, who earned his doctorate in art history, works as conservator for medieval coins, Renaissance and Baroque medals at the Munich coin cabinet. He is dedicated to elevate the appreciation of art medals.

Huster, Victor

Victor Huster is an internationally active medalist and artist, who, in 2012, was awarded the German Medalist prize. Many of his works received multiple awards. Among other things, he designed the new Israeli 1 shekel piece and numerous German commemorative coins.

Grigorova-Gencheva, Valentina

Valentina Grigorova-Gencheva is ancient historian and numismatist. In addition to her academic work, she is head of the department of precious metals investment and collector coins at a Bulgarian bank.

Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen

Born in Ticino, Carmen Arnold-Biucchi combines theory and practice: In her capacity as Curator, she is responsible for the collection of ancient coins at the distinguished Harvard Art Museums, and is also teaching numismatics in the Classics Department at Harvard.