Cappellari, Damiano

The Italian collector and publicist Damiano Cappellari proposed a new term for numismatist: nummophile. It expresses what drives him: the love for coins, the passion for the history of collecting.

Moesgaard, Jens Christian

Jens Christian Moesgaard is Professor of Numismatics and Monetary History at the University of Stockholm. The Danish historian and numismatist focuses in his research on the Viking culture, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period.

Bytheway, Simon James

Simon Bytheway is an Australian scholar on the financial and economic history of Asia, and of Japan in particular. He teaches at Nihon University.

McFadden, Eric J.

Eric J. McFadden is a founding member of CNG and globally renowned for his numismatic knowledge.

Nollé, Johannes

Johannes Nollé is an ancient historian and epigraphist; he is one of those highly productive numismatists that don’t write exclusively for the scholarly field. He is an Asia Minor expert, was a consultant for the Commission for Ancient History at the German Archaeological Institute, and is an adjunct professor of Ancient History at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Haymann, Florian

Florian Haymann is ancient historian, journalist and responsible for the division of Ancient Numismatics at Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. Many German speaking collectors are familiar with his book on collecting ancient coins and his articles published in specialist journals.

Baumbach, Daniel

Daniel Baumbach is a numismatist and historian with a heart for medals. Since November 2019, he has been working for CoinsWeekly and the Numismatic Press Service Kampmann.

Wienand, Johannes

Johannes Wienand is professor of Ancient History at the Technical University Brunswick, director of the coin cabinet of the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum at Brunswick and founder and spokesperson of the network NUMiD.

Graff, Reiner

Reiner Graff (*1961) is a freelance journalist, numismatist and local historian. Under the pseudonym numiscontrol, he has been one of our regular authors ever since CoinsWeekly was published for the first time in 2009.

Skingley, Philip

Philip Skingley (* 1972) managed Spink’s publishing division for 20 years before joining Coincraft in 2016. At Coincraft he is one of the Directors in charge of the day-to-day running of the business.