Salton, Mark

Mark Salton war der Sohn des berühmten jüdischen Münzhändlers Felix Schlessinger. Mit dem Ende des jüdischen Münzhandels in Deutschland emigrierte er in die USA und baute dort gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Lottie eine spektakuläre Münzsammlung auf.

Wang, Helen

Helen Wang is a specialist in Asian coinage and Curator of East Asian Money at the British Museum in London. Moreover, Helen Wang translates Chinese literature.

Haomin, Chen

Chen Haomin was an enthusiastic collector of Chinese gold and silver coins before founding his coin dealership Coin-in-Coin.

Cayón, Juan Jr.

Juan Cayón Jr is Managing Director of the coin dealership Cayón Subastas in Madrid. In 2005 he took over the company from his father. Before dedicating himself completely to the coin trade, he worked as a corporate lawyer and expert in that field.

Hardmeier, Michael

After completing law school, Michael Hardmeier discovered his passion for numismatics at SINCONA AG in Zurich. Ever since, he has been a member of the company’s managing board working across all lines of business.

Stack, Harvey G.

Harvey Stack was born into the rare coin business and grew up in a family of coin dealers. He worked in the coin trade and as an auctioneer for over 70 years, building numerous important collections and advocating for the coin trade and collectors.

Richter, Jürg

Jürg Richter is a numismatist and a specialist in all Swiss coins, banknotes and shooting medals. He founded SINCONA AG in Zurich in 2011 and has been managing it ever since.

Vondrovec, Klaus

Klaus Vondrovec is numismatist and director of the Vienna Coin Cabinet. In addition to his research on ancient coins and museum tasks, he is particularly interested in attracting a wide audience to numismatics.

Zhou, Shouyuan

Shouyuan Zhou is the founder and CEO of, China’s arguably most important numismatic website. He is Executive Consignment Director of China at Stack’s Bowers and a co-founder of the Hong Kong Coin Show.

Lertchitvikul, Nirat

Nirat Lertchitvikul is Director of Asian Operations at Stack’s Bowers & Ponterio, Ltd. He became a full-time numismatist in 1979 and is an expert in Asian coins and medals. Since 2016 Nirat Lertchitvikul has been one of the four organizers of the Hong Kong Coin Show.