Tag Archive for: F

Flower, Harry (1912-2000)

Harry Flower specialized in Judaica in Numismatics, particularly tributes to Albert Einstein. From 1969 to 1972 he served as President of the Israel Numismatic Society of Illinois.

Feirstein, Barry R. (b. 1952)

Barry Feirstein is a keen investor in big tech companies and the film industry. As a teenager he collected American coins, and later built up a collection of ancient coins.

Fontana, Carlo D’Ottavio (1774-1832)

Carlo d’Ottavio Fontana was a notable Swiss businessman and collector. He was said to have owned over 40,000 coins, mainly ancient but also of the Trieste bishops.

Tag Archive for: F

Flynn, Henry

Numismatist Henry Flynn holds two positions at the British Museum: he’s Assistant Collection Manager and Project Curator for the Money and Medals Network. Regarding the latter, he’s in charge of a training programme and creates a network of UK numismatic collections.

Fried, Torsten

Torsten Fried is historian and numismatist. He is head of the Coin Cabinet at the Staatliches Museum Schwerin and lecturer at the University of Greifswald and the University of Rostock at the same time.

Franklin, Claire

Claire Franklin Werz is a philologist, numismatist and possibly the world’s most prolific numismatic cartoonist. She has been drawing weekly cartoons since January 2011, which adds up to a total of about 375 cartoons (at least on April 11, 2019).

Flueck, Jonas

Jonas Flueck is part of the large group of young and rising Swiss numismatists. He is the founder and owner of Lugdunum GmbH as well as the Ex-Numis website dedicated to the research of provenances. He has held the office of general secretary of the VSBN since 2018.

Felch, Patricia A.

Patricia A. Felch is a U.S. American entomologist and scholar of antiquity. After participating in several archaeological excavations in Greece, she acts as head of the BCD Library in Athens for thirty years now, the largest private library on Greek numismatics.