Tag Archive for: Collector

Viczay, Mihály (1721-1787 and 1756/7-1831)

Mihály Viczay (sometimes spelled Wiczay) refers to two collectors of the same name, a father and a son. Learn more about their remarkable collection of Greek and Roman coins in this article by Hadrien J. Rambach.

Bürki, Konrad (*1953)

The businessman Konrad Bürki has been collecting Swiss coins for decades. His collection will be offered in several sales by the Zurich auction house SINCONA.

Beaufoy, Henry Benjamin Hanbury (1786-1851)

Henry Beaufoy was a wealthy British industrialist, philanthropist and Member of Parliament. In addition to an outstanding library of 25,000 volumes, he also had an important coin collection, which was sold by Christie, Manson & Woods in 1909. An article by John Voukelatos.

Addington, Samuel (1806-1886)

Samuel Addington was a woollen merchant. He collected modern and ancient coins and was known to purchase pieces at incredibly high prices. An extremely rare Syracusan decadrachm from his collection is now in the British Museum. An article by John Voukelatos.

Coffman, Stephan

After visits to Ethiopia, Dr. Stephan Coffmann discovered the history of Aksum for himself. His collection of Axumite coins, containing 1,300 pieces, is the most extensive private collection on the subject ever created.

Brink, Eric ten

Eric ten Brink built a special collection of 1,800 coins of Hadrian. His particular interest was dedicated to coins from Alexandria, cistophori, and Eastern denarii.

Needleman, Saul Ben (1927-2019)

Saul Ben Needleman was a coin collector with a professional background in biochemistry. His numismatic interests concentrated on ancient coinage, English hammered coinage, coins of Israel, and Judaica.

Ricard, Charles J. (1930-2017)

Charles Ricard, a bank auditor for profession, collected US coins and was most known for his collection of Napoleonic medals.

Boyer, Alden Scott (1887-1953)

Alden Scott Boyer started with revolutionary period currency and finally concentrated on classical Greek coins. For what he collected beyond coins, he purchased a bank building in Chicago to house the Boyer Museum of American Curiosities.

Slabaugh, Arlie R. (1925-2007)

Arlie R. Slabaugh was a collector and author of many books, among them many on paper money. He founded The Hobby Spotlite, and was by 1948 the first full-time dealer in world paper money in the United States.