Tag Archive for: P-Numismatist

Pancheri, Andrea

Andrea Pancheri (*1974) is a professional graphic designer and historian with a heart for numismatics. She joined the CoinsWeekly team on 1 April 2024, working in customer service and advertising.

Pasmans, Patrick

Patrick Pasmans is a Belgian legal advisor, mediator and numismatist. His research focuses on Persian coinage and, among other things, he is European secretary of the Oriental Numismatic Society and editor of the magazine “De Muntmeester”.

Pelsdonk, Jan

Jan Pelsdonk is curator of the numismatic collection of Teylers Museum (Haarlem) and at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Editor-in-Chief of the numismatic magazine De Beeldenaar, and owner of Dutch Numismatics, a freelance company for numismatic research.

Peter, Markus

Markus Peter is an archaeologist and numismatist. He is the numismatist in charge at Augst, the Roman Augusta Raurica, as well as President of the “Schweizerische Kommission für Fundmünzen”. He also teaches ancient numismatics in Bern.

Pelletier, Serge

Serge Pelletier is a decorated Major (Retired) of the Canadian Army. Having started as a numismatic writer in 1978, he is a multiply awarded author and editor of internationally recognized publications, including Canada’s first digital numismatic magazine.

Peter, Ulrike

With her profound knowledge of the Russian language, Ulrike Peter stands for the numismatic exchange between east and west. Since 1992 she has been Research Associate at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Prokopov, Ilya S.

Ilya Prokopov is a Bulgarian numismatist and probably the best expert in the field of Bulgarian counterfeits. He was Director of the National History Museum of Bulgaria and was as such responsible for its move and its new permanent exhibition.