Tag Archive for: R-Numismatist

Richter, Jürg

Jürg Richter is a numismatist and a specialist in all Swiss coins, banknotes and shooting medals. He founded SINCONA AG in Zurich in 2011 and has been managing it ever since.

Rutten, Lars

Lars Rutten is a young Swiss numismatist and an expert on ancient coinage. He has been working in the coin business for more than ten years already. Since 2017, he has held the position of Senior Numismatist at Leu Numismatik AG.

Raff, Albert

In addition to his professional life as a teacher, Albert Raff can look back on a long career as a numismatist. Together with Ulrich Klein, he has published fundamental books on Württemberg numismatics.

Roten, Hortensia von

Hortensia von Roten is a historian and numismatist. She was the curator of the coin cabinet of the Swiss National Museum in Zurich and president of the Swiss Numismatic Society. She is chairwoman of the “Freie Vereinigung Zürcher Numismatiker”.

Ripollès Alegre, Pere Pau

Pere Pau Ripollès Alegre is an archaeologist and numismatist. At the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the University of Valencia, Spain, he is Professor for Archaeology. He is also Vice-President of the International Numismatic Council.

Rizzolli, Helmut

Helmut Rizzolli, whose full title is Univ.H.Prof. Dozent DDr., is probably the best-known specialist for the economic and monetary history of Tyrol. Furthermore, as a local politician, he decisively shaped the history of Bolzano.

Ruß, Hubert

Dr. Hubert Ruß is historian and Managing Director of Künker am Dom in Munich. He is an official expert for coins and medals of medieval and modern times appointed by the Bavarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK).

Rambach, Hadrien J.

Hadrien J. Rambach (*1981) is a French antiquity expert, specialized in coins and gems. Next to his activities as advisor and dealer, he publishes art historical and numismatic articles.

Raab, Dieter

Dieter Raab (1938 2015) was one of the most prominent coin dealers in Germany. He began his professional career at the Münzen und Medaillen AG. In 1967, he took over the Frankfurt-based coin house Dr. Busso Peus.