Zhou, Shouyuan

Shouyuan Zhou is the founder and CEO of Shouxi.com, China’s arguably most important numismatic website. He is Executive Consignment Director of China at Stack’s Bowers and a co-founder of the Hong Kong Coin Show.

Lertchitvikul, Nirat

Nirat Lertchitvikul is Director of Asian Operations at Stack’s Bowers & Ponterio, Ltd. He became a full-time numismatist in 1979 and is an expert in Asian coins and medals. Since 2016 Nirat Lertchitvikul has been one of the four organizers of the Hong Kong Coin Show.

Ehrnsten, Frida

Frida Ehrnsten is a Finnish archaeologist and numismatist. She is curator at the National museum of Finland in Helsinki, where she mainly deals with new coin finds and with creating a digital collection.

Willis, Alastair

Alastair Willis is archaeologist and Senior Curator of Numismatics and the Welsh Economy at the National Museum of Wales. In his research he focuses on the monetary history of Wales, and he assists Welsh Finds Liaison Officers with numismatic enquiries.

Casoli, Andrea

Andrea Casoli is a Swiss numismatist and has been working as a curator at the coin cabinet of the Basel Historical Museum since 2020. He mainly works on ancient coinage and the monetary history of Switzerland.

Schenk-Behrens, Karla W.

Karla W. Schenk-Behrens was one of the first German women who entered the numismatic auctioneer business after the Second World War. In the 70s and 80s, she made her mark in the coin trade and influenced an entire generation of coin dealers.

Wacks, Mel

Mel Wacks is an expert in Jewish coins and co-founder of several American numismatic associations. He founded what probably is the longest-running private medal series.

Anthony, Peter

Peter Anthony is an expert in modern Chinese coins. He has been researching and publishing books and articles on this subject for years. He also runs a website and has a monthly newsletter that provide information on the current market of Chinese panda coins.

Cheung, Kelvin

Kelvin Cheung is Global Head of Banknotes at Spink and Head of Numismatics for Spink China. The trained medical doctor came to Spink as a collector and has been responsible for Spink’s global banknote business including several auctions a year since 2014.

Zgorzynski, Peter

Peter Zgorzynski is Künker’s representative in the Rhine-Main area and works as sworn expert for gold and silver coins struck after 1871 as well as gold and silver bars.