Fried, Torsten

Torsten Fried is historian and numismatist. He is head of the Coin Cabinet at the Staatliches Museum Schwerin and lecturer at the University of Greifswald and the University of Rostock at the same time.

Kovaljov, Petr

Petr Kovaljov is a Czech coin dealer and the owner of the numismatic dealership Numfil. He is also a Künker representative who manages customers from Austria, Eastern Europe, and Asia.

Heidemann, Stefan

Stefan Heidemann is a historian and Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Hamburg. His main areas of research include the Abbasid Caliphate and the coinage and economic history of the entire Islamic world.

Eymery, Muriel

Muriel Eymery was a multilingual numismatic expert and business woman. She worked as Vice President of International Business Development at PCGS for many years before joining Spink in London as the Global Head of Coins & Medals at Spink in 2016.

Franklin, Claire

Claire Franklin Werz is a philologist, numismatist and possibly the world’s most prolific numismatic cartoonist. She has been drawing weekly cartoons since January 2011, which adds up to a total of about 375 cartoons (at least on April 11, 2019).

Rutten, Lars

Lars Rutten is a young Swiss numismatist and an expert on ancient coinage. He has been working in the coin business for more than ten years already. Since 2017, he has held the position of Senior Numismatist at Leu Numismatik AG.

Eigner, Eric

Eric Eigner is a renowned coin dealer from Australia. He is the manager of Drake Sterling Numismatics in Sydney, which he founded in 2006.

Deisher, Beth

Beth Deisher is a renowned numismatic journalist who worked as the editor of Coin World for 27 years. In 2017, she was appointed the director of ICTA’s newly established Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force.

Flueck, Jonas

Jonas Flueck is part of the large group of young and rising Swiss numismatists. He is the founder and owner of Lugdunum GmbH as well as the Ex-Numis website dedicated to the research of provenances. He has held the office of general secretary of the VSBN since 2018.

Günther, Sven

Sven Günther is a historian, professor of ancient history, and numismatist. He has been teaching at the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations in Changchun (China) since 2015. Today, he also holds the position of Vice Director of the IHAC.