Always Rare: 2-Euro Commemorative Coins from Slovakia

Slovakia’s 2-euro commemorative issues are few and far between, and they are hardly ever found in circulation. Nonetheless, the beautifully designed coins can be an ideal start for euro collectors and offer genuine potential. Our expert numiscontrol explains why.

On National Heroes and Nationally-Owned Enterprises

In 1975, Venezuela nationalized its oil industry – an important step in the long and eventful relationship between the country and its oil supplies. A gold coin commemorates the event. It is one of the rarest pieces of Venezuelan numismatics.

An Unwilling Victor: Maurice of Saxony and the Schmalkaldic League

On 20 June 2022, the auction house Künker will be auctioning the first part of the Dr. Walter Kemlein Collection “Saxonia in Nummis”. It includes a double taler depicting the leaders of the Schmalkaldic League, among them Maurice of Saxony, who would have preferred not to be seen in this context.

How to Collect 2 Euro Coins from Portugal

Outside the country, 2 euro commemorative coins from Portugal are rare to find in wallets. What’s the best way to collect these issues? And what should collectors keep in mind? Our author numiscontrol has the answers.

From Lira to Euro. Italy’s History in Coins – Part 9: Forza Italia

Italy’s governments tend to survive for rather short amounts of time. The political system had been surprisingly solid – until it collapsed completely due to a corruption scandal. A man who was to guide Italy into the eurozone made use of this situation in 1994: Silvio Berlusconi.

Swiss Money for Swiss Citizens

Today, only Swiss coins circulate in Switzerland. But this has only been the case for less than a century. A very rare Swiss 5 franc piece from 1928, which will be auctioned by the Rapp auction house on 6 May 2022, testifies to this shift in monetary policy.