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A Medal Made by Dürer as the Official Gift of the City of Nuremberg for Charles V
On 9 October 2019, auction house Künker will be auctioning an object of major art-historical importance: The very Albrecht Dürer himself had been commissioned by the Nuremberg City Council to create the dies for medals that were to be officially handed to Charles V during his entry into the city in 1521.
On 7 October 2019, auction house Künker will be auctioning a necklace and bracelet made from ancient coins, said to have been commissioned by the great general Napoleon Bonaparte for his younger sister Pauline. That would make sense: In Napoleon’s time, people loved anything that was reminiscent of antiquity.
Counterfeited coins, or not counterfeited coins, that is the question
On 10 October 2019, a 6 pence piece will be sold at auction house Künker in Osnabrück that is of great interest from the point of view of constitutional law. The reason is that at the time of its minting it was not decided yet whether only the Crown was entitled to produce money in the United Kingdom or not.
The Monetary History of the USA. Part 2: Between Silver and Gold
In the second part of our series on the monetary history of the United States of America, we deal with booming and struggling national economies and the question of whether US citizens should pay in silver or gold currencies.
The Monetary History of the USA. Part 1: Times of War
The birth of the United States of America was anything but peaceful. Two major wars were necessary so that the nation as we know it today could emerge: the Mexican-American War and the American Civil War.
Medieval Sicily Part 9: The Golden Age of Sicily Begins
Robert Guiscard left behind two adult sons. The younger took the Crucifix, the older, Robert Borsa, the dominion over his father’s kingdom. In Sicily, the situation was convenient: Robert did not have to bother with princes.