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Prophet Daniel in the lion’s den in Basel
On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened on the occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance this medal from Basel featuring Prophet Daniel in the lion’s den.
Money supply the Italian way
On June 20, 2012 in Schaffhausen an exhibition was opened in occasion of 25 years Sturzenegger Foundation. In these years the numismatic department too has received many important acquisitions as for instance a fraudulent imitation of Schaffhausen coins initiated by Prince Siro of Austria at Correggio.
The schneckentaler from Zug
On June 20, 2012 an exhibition on the occasion of 25 years of Sturzenegger foundation was opened in Schaffhausen. During all these years the numismatic collection has received many important acquisitions, too, like for example a schneckentaler from Zug.
The Teutonic Order in Livonia
Walter of Plettenberg managed to introduce the Reformation in Livonia in 1522 and, at the same time, to secure the continuity of the Order’s reign. From him comes a very special gold giant…
Swissmint – Federal Mint in the Kirchenfeld / Bern
The Swiss Mint was founded more than 100 years ago. Read here how a mint looked like in those days…
Bullion coins part 2: The Maple Leaf
The Canadian Maple Leaf is currently one of the most popular bullion coins worldwide. This is not only due to its ubiquitous availability but it is also popular because of its high purity and the security features, the Royal Canadian Mint has come up with.