Atlas Numismatics

Atlas Numismatics ⸱ Fixed Price List June 2023 ⸱ 22 June 2023 ⸱ Online

Atlas Numismatics has updated their inventory with 218 new high-quality coins, medals and tokens at fixed prices.

Classical Numismatic Group

Classical Numismatic Group ⸱ Electronic Auction 541 ⸱ 28 June 2023 ⸱ Online

CNG’s Electronic Auction 541 includes 1134 lots. Greek tetradrachms and world talers from the Don T. Hayes Collection again headline the auction, accompanied by a further offering of coins from the Dr. Michael Slavin Collection.

Können Sie sich vorstellen, wie eine ganze Million Münzen aussieht? Foto: vetkit via Shutterstock.)

What to Do With a Million Pennies?

Imagine you are cleaning out the house of a late relative and find 1 million cent coins in the process. What would you do with them? This is what happened to a California family. Why had this huge amount of coins been amassed? And what could they be worth?

Archaeological Museum of Tegea, exhibition view. Image: Savvas Avramidis (KIKPE Numismatic Collection, Athens).

A Numismatic Itinerary Through the Peloponnese

The Archaeological Museum of Tegea in Greece shows in a temporary exhibition how places in the Peloponnese were presented on ancient coins.

Fr. Henniker, Notes during a visit to Egypt, Nubia, the Oasis Boeris, Mount Sinai, and Jerusalem. 2nd Edition, London, 1824, X+352 S.

Sir Frederick Henniker: Notes during a visit to Egypt…

200 years ago, Sir Frederick Henniker embarked on his Grand Tour to the Middle East. His travelogue gives a vivid insight into the beginnings of cultural tourism and the antiquities trade. A specimen is currently being offered by Münzen & Medaillen GmbH.

Dr. Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert.

2022 Huntington Medal Award Goes to Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert

Dr. Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert is the recipient for the 2022 Huntington Medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions to numismatic scholarship.