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We are the bridge connecting the international numismatic world. Our readers include collectors, professional coin dealers and researchers, as well as all those involved in coin production. We are read in 170 countries! We provide you with information on everything you want to know about the subject of money – from antiquity to the present day. And much more...
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Where Do I Find Euro Coins from Various Nations by Going Through Circulation Coinage?
Are you looking for foreign euro coins for your collection without success? Especially in times of Corona it isn’t easy to collect actively. Our expert numiscontrol provides you with practical tips on where to find coins from other nations conveniently, cheaply and quickly even now.
$9.36 Million: Why the Brasher Doubloon Is the Most Expensive Gold Coin of the World
On 21 January 2021, a new record price was set by a Brasher Doubloon. At 7.69m euros, it is currently the world’s most expensive coin. We explain why someone invested so much money into this 1787 coin.
The Last Years in the Life of Jacques-Antoine Dassier
On 28th January 2021, a Künker auction presents a 10-ruble piece from 1757 whose die was created by the Genevan medalist Jacques-Antoine Dassier. But this is not the only special thing about it: A small collector’s hallmark proves it once belonged to the Hutten-Czapski collection.
Gold From Coal and Stone: Ernst III of Holstein-Schauenburg
While others ruined themselves with enormous buildings, Ernst III was one of the beneficiaries of early absolutism. He supplied others with the material needed for construction and metalworking. On 28 January 2021, auction house Künker offers a 10fold ducat of this enterprising count.
Lösers in Death Rituals: The Funeral of John Frederick of Brunswick-Calenberg
On 28th January 2021 auction house Künker offers selected lösers from the Popken Collection. One of them gives us a clue as to what lösers may have been used for. We learn from a book that this coin was distributed as a gift of honour to the princely attendees of the funeral of John Frederick of Brunswick-Calenberg.
Wie sahen die römischen Kaiser wirklich aus?
Der Grafiker Daniel Voshart hat den römischen Kaisern ein frisches Gesicht gegeben. Mit modernster Computertechnik und Photoshop hat er realistische Porträts von 54 Cäsaren entwickelt. Dabei halfen ihm Münzen und antike Texte – und ein Profi-Wrestler …